Would you like to create social media articles loved by Pinterest?
When I say love I mean articles that have been pinned and repinned several times on Pinterest, i.e. performed well on Pinterest.
There are two reasons why I have created a list of these articles: one because they are well written and helpful articles. And two because they are good examples of articles well optimized for Pinterest. These two factors have helped these articles get more pins and repins.
I would like you to keep these two points in mind while you read these articles so that you can study them and create articles and blog posts that get more pins and repins. Also look forward to my article (which I will publish soon) where I will share tips on how to write articles that get more pins and repins using some of the posts in this list as examples. Check out the social media articles loved by Pinterest below…
1. 26+ Pinterest Tools and Tips to Enhance Your Pinning Experience

This article by Wong Ching Ya is one of the best articles on Pinterest tools. It’s a long post that has got quality all the way from the top to the bottom. All throughout the blog post there are image which make it extremely Pinterest friendly. It has also got a really good tall cover image which has also helped it as they are popular on Pinterest.
2. 32 Do’s and Don’ts for Your B2B Pinterest Strategy

Another article that is very popular on Pinterest. It has a good cover image and has received over two thousand pins. If you are a B2B you must read it.
3. 10 Steps to Creating a Winning Social Media Strategy

This article from Rebekah Radice is definitely one of the most popular social media articles on Pinterest. I pinned this article months ago and I still get repins for it. One of the reasons for its popularity is that it has a very attractive cover image which is different from the usual ones. This one has got some text and an original illustration.
Another point to make note of is that it covers a very important topic that people want to know more about. And when you give people what they want (and make sure it is of the highest quality) they will read it and share it.
4. 10 Ways to Drive Massive Pinterest Traffic to Your Business

This is a great post on how to drive traffic from Leanne Wong. Make sure you read it.
5. How to Go Viral on Pinterest (And Other Pinnable Tips)

This is a fantastic post by Beth Bryan. It is a long and extremely informative post. It has also got a great cover image with big bold easily visible text. This is a post you must read. It’s got more than fourteen thousand pins.
6. 5 Ways to Share Highly Shareable Pinterest Pictures for Your Business

This article on by Kelly Lester is one of the many popular Pinterest articles on Social Media Examiner.
7. 4 Pinterest Tips to Make Your Pins More Searchable on Pinterest

A great article by Vincent Ng on how to optimize your pins for Pinterest search to make it easy to find them. One of the best things about this post is that each tip is neatly summed up on an image of its own.
8. 5 Infographics to Teach You How to Easily Create Infographics in Powerpoint [+Templates]

As I mentioned earlier in this post, infographics are popular on Pinterest and this one has got five of them. The infographics also teach you how to create infographics which gives another reason for people to pin this article.
9. How to Get More Pinterest Followers

This is a fantastic article from Lorna Sixsmith on how to get more Pinterest followers. It shows us that if you write an informative post on a topic that people want to read it will do well.
10. 9 Ways to Bring Pinterest Users to Your Blog

Jeni Elliot teaches some great tips on how to get more users to your blog with Pinterest. This post has done very well on Pinterest.
11. Seriously Boost Your Pinterest Strategy

This is a great article where Peg Fitzpatrick and a few other people share their favourite pinterest tips, boards and pinners.
For more Pinterest tips, watch our Free Pinterest Marketing Video Tutorial which can be accessed by Signing Up to our blog updates.
Have I missed out listing any important articles above? How do you create social media articles loved by Pinterest? Please leave your comments below.
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