Are you making the most of Pinterest? Are you reading the right blogs that teach you the best Pinterest tips?
Pinterest has grown very quickly attracting both everyday users and businesses. All of them take part sharing great content in the form of images which makes it a very enjoyable and addictive experience. People have been able to do this with ease because there are several wonderful bloggers who share very helpful tips which teach everything from how to navigate the site to using it to promote your business.
I have already covered a few blogs you must read for Pinterest tips as a bonus in my article 30 Pinterest Accounts and Boards You Must Follow for Marketing Tips. Since then I have learnt about other blogs that regularly cover Pinterest tips, so here’s a separate article that is dedicated to the great blogs that cover the best Pinterest tips. Check them out below and read their tips to improve your Pinterest knowledge…

1. MCNG Marketing: Vincent Ng runs the MCNG Marketing Blog. Vincent regularly posts some of the greatest tips, updates and tools on Pinterest. I recently learnt about Pinterest’s unlimited secret boards and about a tool that helps you find group boards here. Make sure you read this blog regularly.

2. Write on Track: Lorna Sixsmith shares some of the best Pinterest tips on Write on Track. One of her blog posts you must read is How to Spring Clean Your Pinterest Account.

3. The Blog Maven: Jeni Elliot of The Blog Maven shares a lot of great articles. Being a great blog designer she writes really helpful tips on optimizing your blog for Pinterest. You should read her post on featuring your most Pinterest-worthy posts on your sidebar.

4. Krishna De: Krishan De publishes a lot of helpful articles on visual marketing and Pinterest on her blog. You will also find some great visual marketing tips on her business blog.

5. Ching Ya has a lot of amazing tips on using Pinterest on her blog. Her list of 26+ Pinterest tools is probably the best Pinterest tools article out there. Make sure you read it.

6. Kelly Lieberman: Kelly Lieberman runs Pin Chat, a chat about Pinterest, on Twitter. Here people with in-depth knowledge on Pinterest come to share their Pinterest tips. Her blog is the best place to find information (who, what, when, etc.) about the next pin chat. Follow it now and attend the next Pin Chat.

7. Socially Sorted: On her blog, Donna Moritz, shares a lot of visual marketing tips which can be used to not only market yourself directly on Pinterest but to also optimize your site for it. You should read her beautiful infographic on the 10 commandments of Pinterest.

8. White Glove Social Media: Join Anna Bennett here as she shares really helpful Pinterest tips. You can learn basic tips like how to install a Pin It bookmarklet to really advanced tips on marketing yourself and your business on Pinterest.

9. Pinterest Savvy: Would you like Pinterest tips from someone who has got over a million Pinterest followers? Then you have to read Mellissa Taylor’s Pinterest Savvy blog where she shares one helpful Pinterest tip after another.

10. Epreneur TV: Tehmina Zaman writes and shares some of the best Pinterest tips on her blog Epreneur TV. You can learn everything from setting up the perfect Pinterest account to getting followers here.

11. Curalate: This a great blog for finding Pinterest tips. Along with their articles they share some really helpful infographics. Their infographic on the types of images that perform better on Pinterest is a must read.

12. Tailwind: Tailwild not only offers a good Pinterest analytics tool, but also a blog where they share Pinterest tips of the highest value. To learn how to use Tailwind, check out this review.

13. The Official Pinterest Blog (Oh, How Pinteresting!): Follow this blog for the latest Pinterest updates. This is the first place where you get to know if any changes have been made.

14. The Official Pinterest Business Blog: Here you not only get updates on the latest Pinterest changes, but you can also learn great tips which can be used to market your business on Pinterest.

15. Social Media Examiner: Social Media Examiner doesn’t exclusively publish Pinteret or visual marketing tips, but the ones that are published here are of the highest quality as they are written by people who have a vast knowledge of Pinterest. So make sure you read their posts on using Pinterest for business regularly. They also have some good articles on visual marketing.

16. Go Pixel: The Go Pixel blog is a wonderful place to find Pinterest and Instagram tips.

17. Hello Society: Another great blog that focuses on Pinterest. You will find a lot of how-tos and case studies here.

18. Piqora: A good blog where you can find Pinterest, Instagram and visual marketing tips.

19. Vertical Response: Vertical Response has a great social media blog that publishes several posts on Pinterest Marketing.

20. Constant Contact: Constant Contact publishes a lot of Pinterest tips on their blog. One of them you must take a look at is 25 Things That Make You Look Dumb on Pinterest.

21. Pinnable Business: Pinnable Business is a wonderful site where you can find a whole lot of Pinterest tips. You have everything from how-tos to case studies and infographics which can all be used to improve your Pinterest presence.
For more Pinterest tips, watch our Free Pinterest Marketing Video Tutorial which can be accessed by Signing Up to our blog updates.
Have I missed listing any important Pinterest blogs here? Which blogs do you get the best Pinterest tips from? Please leave your comments below.
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