Would you like to use Pinterest to learn more about your audience?
One of the greatest things about Pinterest, is that you can use it to learn more about your audience. You don’t need to invest any money into buying new tools or time learning how to use them either. You can do it directly on Pinterest itself. Pinterest has several tools and features built into your page that make this possible.
You can then use the information gained about your audience to market to their needs across various social networks, not just on Pinterest. So here are three ways to use Pinterest to learn more about your audience…
1. See what people pin from your website:-
When you visit the link http://pinterest.com/source/yourdomainname.com/ where you replace the yourdomainname with the name of the website you will be able to see what is being pinned from that website.

For e.g. you can see what is being pinned from Social Marketing Writing using the link http://pinterest.com/source/socialmarketingwriting.com/. You can also check this out by visiting the Most Recent section under your Pinterest analytics. You can learn more about how to use the Pinteret’s free analytics tool, by reading the post The Complete Guide to Using Pinterest’s Web Analytics Tool. More details about the most repined pins and the most clicked on links can be found under the Most Repined and Most Clicked sections, respectively.
Go through all these pins and check what people are pinning regularly from your site. See where the most popular pins are coming from – are they from blog posts, products pages, etc. and then use this information to create more of the same. You could also look at other factors like image size, dimensions, colour and create similar images.
Another thing you could do is observe the comments and descriptions people leave under the pins and check the type of boards they are being added to. You can then create similar boards if you haven’t got them already and regularly share your pins on these boards. You can also write descriptions and comments that your audience seem to enjoy.
2. Check what is trending:-
It is easy to find what is trending on Pinterest. Just visit the popular section and observe all the pins.

The popular section consists of pins which have been repined, liked and commented on repeatedly. You can use the images from this section (your audience is most likely to find interesting) for various purposes. You can share them on networks like Facebook, Google+, Tumblr and on Pinterest itself. You could also write a blog post about them and publish them on your blog. This way you will be confident that you will be sharing something that your audience is likely to enjoy.

Another place to look for pins is the ‘Everything’ section. You can even find pins under specific categories here.
3. Find your most popular boards:-
If you haven’t yet figured out what your most popular boards are, then do so right now.

An easy way to do this is by clicking through all your boards and checking which ones have the highest number of followers. Popular boards also contain pins which are shared several times. Usually there will be a handful of boards which have more followers than the rest. Sometimes they could just be one or two.
After you find your most popular boards, spend some time studying them carefully and figuring out what you have been doing right on them. You can then create similar boards and share similar pins on them (to help your pins receive more exposure), share the images on your other networks, etc. These popular boards can not only help define the brand you need to project on Pinterest, but across your other social networks too.
Also place your main focus on these popular boards on your Pinterest brand page. Make sure you share something on them every day, place them in the topmost row on your brand page and use the board widget to attract more board followers. You can learn how to install the board widget by reading the post 6 Ways Businesses Can Make the Most of the Latest Pinterest Updates. You will find it a lot easier to get more board followers than complete brand page followers. You can build trust with your board followers and gradually get them to follow you completely.
Make use of the above tips to understand your audience and use it to not only promote yourself on Pinterest, but across all your networks.
For more Pinterest marketing tips, watch our Free Pinterest Marketing Video Tutorial which can be accessed for by Signing Up to our blog updates.
Do you use Pinterest to learn more about your audience? What other ways can one use Pinterest to market themselves? I would like to hear your thoughts. Please leave your comments below.
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