Creating a Pinterest friendly website, isn’t just about driving more website traffic with Pinterest, but is also about diverting some of that website traffic onto your Pinterest page to get people to interact with your pins and follow you. Below I have listed a few ways to make your website Pinterest friendly, to help you take advantage of both the benefits mentioned above…
1. Add images:
The requisite to building a Pinterest friendly website is to add images to every page and blog post. This is because the only way anyone can share any page from your website on Pinterest, is if there is an image that has the minimum dimensions of 100 X 200 pixels. You can learn more about the different image sizes on Pinterest by reading my infographic, The Pinterest Cheat Sheet to Image Sizes.

If your image is smaller than this, people won’t be able to share the page. So make sure you add an image which is at least 100 X 200 pixels to every page on your website. You could also try and add several images to your pages as this can help drive engagement. When you do this, people can choose and share the images they like most.
2. Add the ‘Pin It’ button:
A simple way to make the website even more Pinterest friendly is by adding the ‘Pin It’ button.

As the study by BrightEdge shows that pages with share buttons receive more shares, your images should get pinned more often when you add the ‘Pin It’ button. You can find the Pin it button on Pinterest’s widget builder page. You can learn how to add this button by watching my free Pinterest Marketing Video Tutorial.
You could also go a step further and add the hover over Pin it button. This is the button that appears on an image when you scroll over it. This button can remind people that they can pin the image they are looking at, when they hover over it with their mouse. You can see the button in action on this blog post itself. Just hover over any image to see it.
3. Add the Pinterest Follow button:
The Pinterest Follow button does the same thing as the Twitter Follow or the Facebook ‘Like’ button. It gets website visitors to check out your Pinterest page, thereby encouraging them to follow you. It can also help drive more pin engagement. To get the most of this button, install it in the most important places on your website like the header, footer, side bar, etc. You could also add it at the end of blog posts and include a call to action which asks people to follow you on Pinterest.
You could either create a custom one, or you could use the free one available on the widget builder page on Pinterest.

An example of a website making the most of the Pinterest Follow button is Three Many Cooks where the button is right at the top of the sidebar. As this is one of the first places people see on the website, it should help drive some of the website traffic to the Pinterest page.
4. Add the profile and board widgets:
The profile widget is another widget that can be found on the widget builder page. It does the same job as the Pinterest Follow Button, i.e. drive website traffic to your Pinterest page. When people click on it they visit your website. It should also be more effective than the follow button as it is bigger and displays up to 30 of your latest pins which makes it very attractive. You don’t have to always use the one created by Pinterest. You can also create a custom one to display your latest pins.

I have written how Code it Pretty created their own profile widget in my post 12 Ways to Get More Pinterest Followers.
Another widget you could try using is the board widget which displays up to 30 of your latest pins from the selected board. This can be highly effective in getting you more board followers. To get the most of it, display the board widget of a board that reflects your brand or one that is extremely popular.
The board widget creator tool can be found on the widget builder page too. You can also try and create a custom one. You can learn how to install the profile and board widgets by reading the post 6 Ways Businesses Can Make the Most of the Latest Pinterest Updates.
I have found that the board widget is quite effective in getting me more board followers. You can see the board widget for my board ‘Comics Comics Comics’ on the right side-bar of my personal blog. This helps me attract relevant followers as I publish comics on my website.
Implementing the above tips should help make your website Pinterest friendly.
For more Pinterest marketing tips, watch our Free Pinterest Marketing Video Tutorial which can be accessed for by Signing Up to our blog updates.
Did I forget any important points? Have you got any tips on building Pinterest friendly websites? I would like to heat your thoughts. Please leave your comments below.
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