Would you like to share pins on Pinterest that get repinned more?
Getting more repins on Pinterest is the key to driving more traffic, improving your presence, gaining followers, etc. It must be something you should focus on every time you pin.
I have already written about creating great pins in my blog posts 9 Questions to ask Yourself Before Pinning an Image on Pinterest and 9 Tips to Create Outstanding Pins on Pinterest. But I wanted to create a quick guide in the form of an infographic. Something that is filled with stats that work and something one could browse through and instantly learn how to create pins people love to share.
If you would like to get more repins then check out the infographic below. You are sure to learn some great tips on creating images that people want to pin on Pinterest…
Click on the infographic to view a larger version
For more Pinterest marketing tips, watch our Free Pinterest Marketing Video Tutorial which can be accessed by Signing Up to our blog updates.
How do you ensure that your pins are optimized to receive more repins? Have you got some tips on creating images that people want to pin on Pinterest? Please leave your comments below.
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