Are you making the most of Pinterest group boards? Would you like to easily find the most engaging Pinterest group boards and get invited to join them?
Pinterest group boards can be a great source for repins, followers and traffic for your Pinterest brand page. They can be highly beneficial for your business especially if your account is new. Pinterest group boards can also be great places to build relationships with other pinners.
In the past it was quite hard to find good Pinterest group boards as there is no special feature on Pinterest that can help you filter them out when you search for boards.

You just have to type in the keywords and search for group boards by looking for the group board sign. This can take ages, but luckily a fantastic tool called PinGroupie was launched recently which can help you find the best Pinterest group boards. Here is a guide to using it effectively. I have also shared some tips on how to get invited to your favourite Pinterest group boards…

After you visit the PinGroupie homepage, select the type of Pinterest group boards you are looking for.

First, choose the category, then the ‘OrderBy’ which can be ‘Pins’, ‘Collaborators’, ‘Followers’, ‘Likes’ and ‘Repins’.

The best option would be to go with ‘Repins’ as that’s probably the biggest currency on Pinterest. Also, it would be a lot harder for someone to fake repins than it would be to have fake followers. Then choose ‘Descending’ to see the board with the most repins on top. You could also add a title and description if you would like to.
After you have filled in all the fields click on filter.

This will get a list of Pinterest group boards to appear. From there on you can visit each board and check its engagement levels for yourself. This is an important step as sometimes it might seem like a Pinterest group board is getting a lot of repins because just a few performed well. Taking this step will ensure that the board performs well regularly i.e. the pins get repinned regularly.
This way PinGroupie can be used to find the best Pinterest group boards.
If you find a good Pinterest group board you can try to get invited to it. The first thing you need to do is go through the members and if someone you know is already a member, you can ask them to invite you. This is the easiest way. Otherwise you need to figure out who the owner is and contact them through email or Twitter. If the email address of the owner is in the Pinterest group board’s description, you can use it.

The above screenshot belongs to the Everyone’s Social Media Pinterest group board of Your Social Media. Notice the email address and the message which asks people to contact for an invite.
If you don’t find it you will need to visit the brand page’s home page which can be done by clicking on the first icon on the list of members as this is usually the board owner.

Their username can be found in the URL too.

All you need to do is remove the board URL and visit the page.
On their home page you can contact them by finding their website address (on which you are very likely to find their email address) and then sending them an email. Make sure you follow good email etiquette where you address them by their name, let them know what you like about their page and their board and why you would love to be a part of it and how it would benefit them. And of course don’t forget to thank them at the end.
Note: In the email let them know that you have already followed them because a user will only be able to invite you if you are mutually following each other. So make sure you follow them before you send the email.
Writing a good email can help convince the group owner to invite you.

If you don’t find their website or email address on Pinterest, the best option would be to contact them through their Twitter account if you can find it on their page. You could also contact them through Facebook, but I would advise against this as some people don’t like receiving messages on Facebook.
Following all the above steps can help you get invited to a lot of good Pinterest group boards which you can use to promote your Pinterest account and business.
If you would like tips on creating a good Pinterest group board read the post 5 Steps to Launching a Successful Pinterest Group Board.
For more Pinterest tips, watch our Free Pinterest Marketing Video Tutorial which can be accessed for by Signing Up to our blog updates.
How do you find the most engaging Pinterest group boards and how do you get invited to them? Are there any other Pinterest tips you would like to share with us? Please leave your comment below.
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