How often do you come across Pinterest infographics?
Pinterest’s phenomenal growth has lead to the publication of hundreds of infographics about it. You can find a Pinterest infographic on almost any topic. You have ones on what the social network is about, why you should use it, how to use it for business, hot to get more followers, and just about everything. Some of them are very good, others not so much. This sea of infographics can make it hard for you to locate the good ones. So I have gone through the trouble of scouring the web and finding some great Pinterest infographics. Please check them out below…
1. Why you Should be Interested in Pinterest
A great infographic for beginners
by Seetio and Geek’s Room
2. How Users Interact on Pinterest
Some good stats here
by Wishpond
3. Profiling Those who Pin
Find out more about your Pinterest audience
4. 10 Strategic Ways to Optimize Your Pinterest Page
Great tips on setting up a brand page
by Epreneur
5. Advertising on Pinterest: A How-to Guide
A how-to guide on marketing yourself on Pinterest
6. Pinterest for the Small Business
An infographic for small businesses
7. Building the Perfect Markeitng Pin for Pinterest
Tips on creating an effective pin
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Which one of the above Pinterest infographics is your favourite? Have you got any other infographics you would like to share with us? Please leave your comments below.
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