Are you looking for the best tips for getting clients online? Would you like to learn the top techniques Russ Ruffino uses to get clients?
One of the most affordable businesses anyone can start is a consulting business. You don’t require much to create this type of business as you don’t need to spend time creating a product. But the only way you will find success with consulting is if you regularly attract a steady stream of clients.
Most people struggle to attract clients as it is hard to find the right strategy.
There are just too many ‘experts’ out there sharing their own ‘best’ methods. Some will ask you to implement Facebook ads, others will ask you to use webinars, then there will be those who will ask you to use blog posts and case studies, etc. And then there will be those who say that all marketing techniques are dead and the only way to get clients is through better funnels.
Newbie consultants take these bits of advice from different people and try to string them together and just end up with a mess. Instead of doing this they should just stick to the advice of one reputable client acquisition expert. This will help you build a solid client acquisition strategy that works.
An expert I recommend for you is Russ Ruffino. He’s been helping people acquire clients for a long while and I am sure you will find his advice helpful. Finding his best tips can take a lot of work as there are distributed all over his podcast, YouTube channel, interviews and more. So, I have gone through a lot of this content including his website to find the top 3 techniques he uses to get clients…
Russ Ruffino’s big ticket strategy:
In an interview on Entrepreneur magazine, Russ Ruffino mentioned that one of the strategies he uses is packaging the products into big ticket offers that cost between $3,000 to $10,000. He then builds a funnel around it and drives traffic with ads and converts it to clients. He mentions that this strategy helps him get clients while staying as lean as possible. He helps his clients implement this strategy too.
So, take a close look at all the services you provide for your clients and brainstorm ways you can package them into a high ticket offer. But make sure you conduct plenty of research on your audience before you create this package. This will help you create a package they crave.
Also don’t be afraid to charge high amounts like Russ Ruffino says as there will always be people who will pay well for a quality service.
You can gain some ideas on how to package services like these by checking out Russ Ruffino’s funnel.

Visit his website and sign up for his lead magnet. He will eventually pitch you with a well packaged high ticket offer. You can study it and learn how to package high ticket offers.
When you sign up for his list you should pay close attention to every part of the funnel, not just the offer. Take a look at the types of lead magnets he uses, the emails he sends out and then create your own funnel with a similar strategy. This is known as funnel hacking.
Share credible testimonials:
Even if you create a very attractive high ticket offer, many people might not want to purchase it. This is because they will be unsure if you’re the real deal.
If they have no idea about who you are and the types of results you have helped others achieve, they will see it as a risky investment. You can easily eliminate the thought of risk by using case studies.
In your case studies you can detail how you have helped clients get from point A to B and the positive impact it has had on their business.
Most of the case studies that consultants use in their business are written case studies. In it they detail how the company performed before their firm was hired and how things improved drastically afterwards. They also include quotes from important people within the company (founders, CEOs, chairmen, etc.) These types of case studies work great as they boost credibility.
But if you want to go a step and get better results you should create testimonial videos like Russ Ruffino does. Here’s one where he interviews Brian Aganad. They discuss how Russ Ruffino helped Brian develop a business that generated $1 million in 6 months. The whole interview is over an hour long. The video is just like a case study where they discuss how Brian struggled at first and eventually gained success after he started working with Russ.
These types of videos can have a stronger impact than written case studies as watching a client state that working with you has helped them looks a lot better than a written statement. So, begin creating videos like these and publish them on sites like Facebook and YouTube.
Also, publish these videos on private video hosting sites like Vimeo or Wistia and add them to your website. Russ does this on his results page.

It’s better to embed videos uploaded onto these platforms than on a social network as there won’t be any distractions. It will help keep them longer on the page and increase your conversion rate. When you embed a video from a network like YouTube, things like ads, recommended videos and other distractions can direct people away from your website.
For best results make sure you link to a landing page where people can sign up for a free consultation.
Create different types of content:
Another thing I have noticed about Russ Ruffino is that there is a lot of variety in his content. As already mentioned he creates videos for networks like YouTube and Facebook, he also runs a podcast, he takes part in interviews on other sites and he publishes blog posts and lead magnets.

This way of creating different types of content helps him attract a varied audience as people prefer consuming different types of media. Some will prefer reading, while others will like video and some will just prefer listening. He can then use the content to drive people back to his funnel and generate more clients.
And in all his content he sticks to the topic of client acquisition. This content along with the case studies will make a stronger impact in displaying his expertise on the topic. More people will want to work with him.
So, reserve some time every single day to create quality content. Content marketing might not bring results quickly. But you will see the results of your hard work in 3 to 6 months. It is a long term strategy.
These are the 3 client acquisition strategies I have observed Russ Ruffino use frequently. You should begin implementing all of them too. He actually uses a lot more tactics. But these three will help you get started. After you implement these and see results, you can take a closer look at his work and try out more of his marketing and sales techniques.
About Matt Rimm
Matt Rimm is an inbound marketer. He likes to write about social media marketing and lead generation.