With the number of Internet users increasing by the day, it should come as no surprise that more and more business owners are building websites. In line with this, the need for tech companies has increased, thus necessitating specialized websites designed for their services. If you’re a tech company gearing up to have a new website, don’t forget to think about the following:
1. Content
Content is king. This fact remains constant in any industry. Content forms a vital part of your web design. There are elements in your content that should be incorporated in the overall design process of your website. The best tech websites know and apply this by heart.
- First, the substance of your content. At all times, you should be posting content that’s relevant in today’s industry. This means that your tech website should be posting tech-related content based on what’s in demand and popular today. As a tech website, it’s also your responsibility to research and know what’s in demand.
- Second, the style and design of your content. This includes the font size, style, and even the background. Because you’re running a tech website, you’ll want to keep things simple and fuss-free. Work it out with your entire design team if your font style goes together with your theme, and if it makes your content easy to read as well.
As a bonus tip, the best way to guarantee that your content is excellent is for you to ensure that your content gets shared across social media sites. Think of your website’s content as similar to that of writing a blog: you have to be conversational, even if you’re talking about highly technical matters.
2. Ease Of Navigation
Just because you’re a tech website doesn’t mean your site has to be challenging to navigate. No matter how good your content is, it’s just not going to work if visitors on your site have a hard time navigating it. Your homepage shouldn’t only be inviting, but it should also easily guide your site visitors towards what it is they’re looking for.
This includes, for instance, having a search tab. While this may seem like a piece of all-too-familiar advice, it’s one that’s also easily neglected by many. When you don’t have a search tab, you’re making it very difficult for your site visitors to find what they’re looking for. Chances are they’re going to leave your site in favor of another tech site that’s easier to navigate.
3. Mobile-Friendly Interface
Because you’re in the tech industry, you should know by now that the mobile phone is a very powerful device. It’s here where a majority of Internet users spend their time browsing. Even if they’re on a social media detox, they still use their phones to browse for other things. This shouldn’t be an avenue for you to miss out. As you design your website, you should ensure you’re creating it to be on a mobile-friendly interface.
Having a mobile-friendly interface means that when a visitor browses your tech website through their cell phones, they can still navigate it as if they’re on their computer. That is something that most web application developers can agree on. There should be no broken images or broken texts. As you design your website, it should be viewed seamlessly by mobile gadgets like cell phones and iPads, for instance. When you fail to have this, you’re missing out on a population that could’ve very well been a profitable market.
4. Call-To-Action
A useful website, regardless of the niche, should always have a call-to-action button. This is especially true if you’re in the tech industry selling tech-related products and services. This call-to-action refers to the “Contact Us” or “Reach Us” section. As obvious as this may seem, it’s one that’s also highly neglected and forgotten by many. When you don’t have this on your tech website, you lose a valuable market. Instead of having customers come to you and become interested in what you have to offer and say, you lose them simply because they have no means of reaching you.
5. Fuss-Free Homepage
As you’re designing a tech website, you need to keep your homepage simple and fuss-free. Keep your colors neutral and make sure your fonts are easy to read. Keep your homepage free of any clutter. Only the basics should be present: tabs to organize content, the Contact Us section, featured posts or products, a little background about yourself or your tech business, and, most importantly, the search button. Internet users don’t like to go through a homepage where it seems too busy. This only makes it even more difficult for them to find what they’re looking for.
Running a website can get expensive, but it’s an investment that’s going to be worth it. The returns you can gain from having a website, make it one of the most effective marketing strategies you can apply. When you know what you should incorporate on your site to make it effective, you’re turning it positively from an expense to a worthwhile investment. These tips to look out for are excellent starting points with which you can gauge how to start designing your tech website.