Would you like to learn everything about the Facebook Edgerank? Would you like to use it to your advantage to get more fans to see your posts?
Countless articles have been published explaining everything there is to the Facebook Edgerank, but there are still several people who are trying to figure what it is. The good news is that you can stop doing that as PostRocket have published this outstanding Facebook infographic on what the Edgerank algorithm is and how you can use it to thrive in the newsfeed by reaching more fans.
This is an infographic you shouldn’t miss. You will find it both helpful and entertaining as they have used Batman, his friend Robin and his enemies Joker and Bane to explain how it works. I have included another infographic on Edgerank to make things easier to understand. Check them out below…
by PostRocket
by PostRocket
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What is the best way to increase the Edgerank? Have you got some tips you would like to share with us? Please leave your comments below.