Would you like more people to read your content? Would you like some tips to promote your latest content?
Creating content in the form of blog posts, white papers, videos, etc. can be a great way to market your business, but your marketing shouldn’t end there, as you need to make an extra effort to market the latest content you have produced.
If you let your content just lie there; only a few people who visit your site will notice what you’ve created. You will lose out on a lot of potential readers and clients you could have attracted by promoting your content. If you’re keen on promoting your latest content and getting as many readers as possible, you need to make the extra effort to promote your content.
The 5 tips below will help you promote your latest content:-
1. SEO Your Content: You always need to SEO your content if you want it to be found easily on search engines. Optimizing your content for search engines consist of just a few steps and techniques you need to implement. If you implement these techniques initially, your content will be easily found on search engines without you having to make any other effort. To learn how to SEO your content for search engines read this detailed post.
2. Share on Social Media: Right after you finish creating your content share it on your various social media accounts. If you want to take your social media marketing seriously, you need to have an account with facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Linkedin. Also make sure you have pages on Facebook, Google+ and Linkedin. As soon as you have published your content on your website you need to share them on your various profiles and your various pages so that your followers can read them and share them with their followers, thereby increasing your content’s readership. You could also share your content on other social bookmarking sites like Digg, Stumble Upon, Tumblr, etc.
3. Send Out Newsletters: As soon as you start your blog, you need to set up an account with easy to use newsletter services like Aweber or Mail Chimp and work on developing a mailing list. After developing a mailing list, you can start sending out your newsletters to them. Soon after you post a blog post, a video or the latest white paper on your blog or website, inform your mailing list about it by sending out your newsletter. Your newsletter could contain the entire article or just a part of it (an excerpt). Below this excerpt you could include a link which leads to the page where the content has been posted. This should boost your sites traffic and increase repeat visits.
4. Make it Easy to Share Your Content: Visitors to your blog will share your content more readily and more often if it’s easy to do so. Therefore, if you want your content to be shared more often, make sure you add sharing buttons like the Tweet this, facebook share, Linkedin share and various other share buttons to your blogs. Using these buttons, readers can share your content right away. They don’t have to shorten your URL, visit their profile and then share it. If you cut short all the effort they have to put in and make it extremely easy, you are likely to get more and more shares.
You could also add share buttons to your PDF files and make them easy to share. For more information on how to add share buttons to your PDF, read this post.
5. Comment on Other Blogs: After you finish writing your post, visit other blogs and leave comments on them. At the end of your comment include a link to your latest post. Sometimes you don’t have to include a link as the blog will have a comment system like Comment Luv which automatically allows a commenter to leave a link at the end of the blog post. Otherwise, leave a link at the end of your comment. If you write a sensible and informative comment with a good link that isn’t spam at all, the blogger will let your comment and link stay.
This is not only good for increasing traffic to your latest website, but also good for SEO link building.
If you follow the above 5 tips, you should see a steady rise in the traffic your latest content receives.
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Hope these tips help increase your website traffic? Have you got any other content promoting tips you would like to share with us? Please leave your comments in the comments box below.
Mitt Ray is the CEO and Director of Social Marketing Writing and Imittcopy. He is also the author of the book White Paper Marketing. Connect with him on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and Linkedin.