Would you like to improve your Pinterest presence in 2020? Do you want to learn about some of the latest Pinterest marketing statistics for your business?
Most Pinterest infographics I come across mainly emphasize on how much Pinterest users make and how more men are joining the network. Do you care about these statistics? I don’t really care about them. I actually find them a little worrisome because if more men join the network it might evolve into something I don’t like.
I like Pinterest the way it is now. It has a good balance women and men who pin food, fashion, quotes, animals and other fun stuff. But who know what it will turn into. Maybe more men joining Pinterest is a good thing as my pins on my Great Men’s Wear board might get pined a lot.
Anyway back to serious stuff.
As I was disappointed with the data available on most infographics, I created an infographic on useful Pinterest statistics you can implement to get more repins, likes, clicks and sales. I listed the statistics and included some quick tips on how to get the most out of them.
If you want to read about the stats or the tips in more detail you can scroll below the infographic. I have included extra information there. You can also download the PDF version of the post to read later.
Check out the infographic on Pinterest statistics for 2020 below…
- #1 Over 80% of pins are repins:
- #2. Every day is a new day:
- #3. The half life of a pin is 3.5 months:
- #4. 2PM to 4PM and 8PM to 1AM are the best times to pin:
- #5. Call to actions work on Pinterest too:
- #6. Tutorials, Guides, DIY and Recipe pins get the most clicks:
- #7. Check out trends before you pin:
- #8. Most of Pinterest’s traffic comes from mobile apps:
- #9. Get active on Flickr, Tumblr and We Heart It:
- #10. Pin 15 to 30 times a day:
- #11. The most repined words:
- #12. 100 to 200 characters is the perfect description length:
- #13. Money does get people to like you:
- #14. Use more red and orange:
- #15. Don’t hold back on the colour:
- #16. Brighten your images:
- #17. Cram images and photos:
- #18. Height does give you a difference:
- #19. Hide the faces:
- #20. Men get followers and women get repins:
This post is more than an infographic. After the infographic, I go on to explain how to make the most of the 19 Pinterest statistics to get more repins, followers and traffic in about 2,000 words. Would you like to read the PDF version of the post later? Click the button below and sign up to receive it. I will also email you the link to my Pinterest Marketing Video Tutorial.
Click Here to download the free PDF version of the post + Free Pinterest Marketing Video Tutorial
![19 Pinterest Statistics You Probably Don’t Know, But Should [Infographic]](https://socialmarketingwriting.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/19-Pinterest-Statistics-You-Probably-Don’t-Know-But-Should-Infographic.png)
The rest of the post is around 2,000 words. In them I cover how to make the most of the 19 statistics mentioned in the infographic to get more repins and traffic. Would you like to read the PDF version of these tips later? Click the button below and sign up to receive it. I will also email you the link to my Pinterest Marketing Video Tutorial.
Click Here to download the free PDF version of the post + Free Pinterest Marketing Video Tutorial
#1 Over 80% of pins are repins:
Over 80% of the pins you see on Pinterest are repins. Only 20% of pins are either directly uploaded onto Pinterest or they have been pinned from a website. The rest are repins of these pins.

Therefore if you want more people to repin your pins you need to upload or pin original images. Create the 20% pins that get repined again and again and again!
Don’t only pin images directly. Have a balance. Pin some images and repin some. Create a Pinterest management plan and decide ahead how many you will pin directly and how many you will repin.
#2. Every day is a new day:
Pinterest analysed their data and found that pins from different categories are popular on different days of the week. Fitness on Monday, Technology on Tuesday, Quotes on Wednesday, Fashion on Thursday, Humour on Friday, Travel on Saturday, Food and DIY Crafts on Sunday.

You can take advantage of this by pinning images on different topics on different days of the week.
On Monday people are probably looking for quick workout methods to boost their mood after a lazy Sunday.
On Tuesday they are searching for the latest tech to make their lives better.
Wednesday we are all thinking ‘I can’t do this. I won’t last the week.’ So we visit Pinterest to check out inspirational quotes.
On Thursday people are thinking about fun things they can do on Friday while wearing some fancy clothing. Hence the interest in Fashion pins.
People make it through the never ending Friday by looking at comics, memes and other humorous stuff that pick up their mood.
On Saturday they are planning weekend trips hence the interest in travel pins.
Interest in Food and DIY Crafts pins, peaks on Sunday as people are probably wondering what to cook for their Sunday Roast. A little pork, some chicken, mash, gravy and Yorkshire pudding. Ah Yorkshire puds! I haven’t had those since Christmas.
#3. The half life of a pin is 3.5 months:
The half-life of a pin is 3.5 months i.e. it takes a pin 3.5 months to get 50% of its engagement. The half life of a tweet is only 24 minutes and the half life of a Facebook post is only 90 minutes. This means that the half-life of a Pinterest pin is 1,680 times longer than a Facebook post.

Make the most of this long life by creating evergreen pins with beautiful images and well written descriptions. Your pins should continue to be repined for months after they are published. Also create campaigns (like offers and contests) that last for months.
#4. 2PM to 4PM and 8PM to 1AM are the best times to pin:
2PM to 4PM and 8PM to 1AM are the best times to pin on Pinterest. Saturday is the best day.

Schedule your most important pins to go out at these times. A tool you can use for scheduling pins is Viraltag. You can learn more about how to use Viraltag by reading this post.
#5. Call to actions work on Pinterest too:
We have all known that call to actions work on networks like Facebook and Twitter. You get more retweets when you ask for them and you get more Facebook likes when you ask for them.
Turns out it is the same with Pinterest. A call to action pin description can increase engagement by 80%. Therefore in your pin description include call to actions like ‘Please Repin’ and ‘Please Like’. If your aim is to get people to visit a webpage use the call to actions ‘Check it out’ or ‘Click on the following link’ and follow the call to action with the link to the webpage or blog post.
Use the full URL instead of the shortened ones as shortened URLs are considered spam by Pinterest.
#6. Tutorials, Guides, DIY and Recipe pins get the most clicks:
Tutorial, guide, DIY & recipe pins have 42% higher click through rates than other pins. This shows that Pinterest users want to be educated with content.
Create more tutorials, guides and DIY blog posts and include the words in the cover image and headline. You can also create guides in the form of Ebooks.
[Note: Would you like to get more Pinterest followers quickly? Then you must join the Double Your Pinterest Followers Challenge (It’s Free).]
#7. Check out trends before you pin:
Pins that are related to trending topics see an increase in click-throughs by 94%. Before you begin pinning do some research to find out what is trending on Pinterest.

The popular section on Pinterest and your Pinterest analytics section are some great places to find trending topics. To learn about more Pinterest analytics tools and their pros and cons, check out my infographic on social media tools.
#8. Most of Pinterest’s traffic comes from mobile apps:
75% of Pinterest traffic comes from mobile apps. To give your visitors a good experience you must make sure your website and blog are mobile optimised.
#9. Get active on Flickr, Tumblr and We Heart It:
Over 3% of pins are pined from Tumblr and Google. 2.5% are pined from from Flickr, 1.1% from Tumblr and 1% from We Heart It. You might think ‘3% really?’ or ‘Does 1% really matter?’ It does matter when the average number of daily article pins is 5 million. And that’s only article pins.

If you run an Etsy store you should pin from it. Most Etsy products perform well here. Pinning images from your Flickr, Tumblr and We Heart It accounts can also help. These accounts will get some good exposure and so will your Pinterest account.
#10. Pin 15 to 30 times a day:
The people at Ahalogy found that their clients got best results when they pinned between 15 and 30 times a day. You shouldn’t pin all the images at once, spread them out throughout the day. A good tool like Viraltag or Bufferapp can help you schedule pins.
#11. The most repined words:
The 10 most repined words on Pinterest are recipe, chicken, minutes, bake, cake, cheese, cut, bottle, step and mix. You should use them more often in your pin descriptions.

Most of these words are food related. People who pin a lot of recipes or blog about them will find them very useful. But those who don’t pin on these topics can use words like minutes, cut, step and mix. Even recipe can be used for pins on other topics. An example is a description like ‘Here’s Your Recipe for Pinterest Success’. Take a look at more of these popular words in the above graph and use them in your pin descriptions.
#12. 100 to 200 characters is the perfect description length:
Pins with description lengths between 100 and 200 characters get repined the most.
Hence you should briefly describe the image you are pinning or the landing page or blog post the image will lead to. You should excel at this if you already have experience writing 140 character tweets.
#13. Money does get people to like you:
Pins with prices get 36% more Likes. These are people who are probably saving your pins because they want to buy them later. They could also be saving them with a like so that they can repin or pin them later. Therefore optimize your product pages for product rich pins. This will ensure that the price gets displayed on them. Learn more about what product rich pins are here. Adding the product price to the pin description can also help.
#14. Use more red and orange:
Reddish orange images receive 200% more repins than blue images.

You can use red and orange as a mixture or you can use them separately. You can also use colours like brown and beige which are shades and tints of orange respectively.
First try out red and orange and their shades, tints and tones. After that experiment with other colours as sometimes your audience might prefer different colours.
#15. Don’t hold back on the colour:
Images that contain multiple dominant colours get 3.25 times more repins than images with 1 dominant colour.

Instead of using just 1 or 2 colours find 3 to 5 colours that look good together. Initially the best option would be to find colours that go well with red and orange.
#16. Brighten your images:
Medium light images receive 20 times more repins than images that are extremely dark.

Lighten your images whenever possible.
#17. Cram images and photos:
Images that contain less than 10% background get repined 2 to 4 times more than images with greater than 40% background.

If you are taking photos, place several things in the background and if you are creating images add stuff to the background that compliment the main image.
Interesting fact: The opposite works on Instagram. Instagram photos with more background showing get more likes.
#18. Height does give you a difference:
Portrait shaped (tall) images with aspect ratio ranging from 2:3 to 4:5 get repined 60% more than extremely tall images.

It will be hard for you to follow this formula while creating tall images like infographics, but it should be easy to follow them while designing things like blog post cover images and product images.
#19. Hide the faces:
Images lacking faces get repined 23% more than images that contain faces.

This makes a lot of sense as on Pinterest people tend to bookmark things they find interesting. These include recipes, clothing, quotes and gadgets. They don’t usually share their personal life. On networks like Instagram and Facebook people share more photos of them doing things.
Bonus Pinterest Statistic:
#20. Men get followers and women get repins:
While I was performing research for the infographic I came across several interesting statistics, but felt they wouldn’t suit the infographic so I didn’t include them. One such statistic is that men get more Pinterest followers and women get more repins. People might be able to use it to their advantage. Women can make getting more repins a focal point of their strategy, while men can do the same with followers.
I am actually a little jealous of this because I would take repins over followers any day. Followers are just a number that add social proof and make you feel good. Repins on the other hand are gold. They are the main Pinterest currency. They get you engagement and traffic. But I guess they support each other. More followers will get you more repins and more repins will get you more followers.
These are the top Pinterest statistics you must know. Use them in your Pinterest strategy to get more repins, likes, clicks and sales. Pin the infographic so that you can refer to it in the future when you are about to pin something or optimize your website for Pinterest.
For more Pinterest marketing tips, watch our Free Pinterest Marketing Video Tutorial which can be accessed by Signing Up to our blog updates.
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Which one of the above Pinterest statistics do you find most interesting? Did I forget to list any important statistics here? Please leave your comments below.
If you found the above infographic on the top Pinterest statistics helpful and feel your followers will too, please share it with them by clicking on the share buttons below.
[Note: Would you like to get more Pinterest followers quickly? Then you must join the Double Your Pinterest Followers Challenge (It’s Free).]