Did you brand your Pinterest page?
Branding your Pinterest page along with all your other social media pages and accounts will make browsing through it a wonderful experience. Your Pinterest page should be consistent with your website and other promotional material. This will make your page and brand easy to recognize which can help you get more enthusiastic Pinterest followers. To help you brand your Pinterest page, I have written this post which contains tips on how to create a well branded Pinterest page, starting from the profile image and all the way to the boards…
1. Use a recognizable profile image:
Your profile image should depend upon what would work best for you and your audience. You need to use something that people can easily recognize. If you have a logo that is popular, use it. If you don’t have a proper logo, but feel that your name is more recognizable, create a clear and simple image with your business name on it or you can just make a logo with design software. Use a colour that represents your brand.
If you don’t have a logo or don’t want to create one by yourself, you can contact a logo design agency like Rabbit that can create a custom logo for you
If you think your face is the one that’s most recognizable use your headshot. A great headshot would be one of you smiling and looking very welcoming.

Alisa Meredith of Scalable Social Media has a brilliant profile image. Alisa Meredith has not only added a very warm and welcoming headshot of her smiling, but she’s also added her logo. This will help her attract both, people who know her and people who know her business.
2. Write your actual business name:
This one’s obvious as you need just write your business name here, the name people know you by. Don’t fill it up with keywords in hopes that this will get your page to appear higher in the search results for those keywords. That might work, but you will miss out on existing fans you have already built relationships with and the social aspects of building a presence for your business. Placing your business name in the business name area and in the username will also ensure that your Pinterest account turns up in the top search results when people search for your business online.

Mary Lumley of Born to be Social has a fantastic business name as both her name and her business name have been added. She has also added her business name as the username which will make her brand page easy to locate. Her website address has the same name and it has been verified which should also contribute to building her brand.
3. Write consistent bio and board descriptions:
There needs to be uniformity between all the text you write for your Pinterest page from the bio to the board names and the descriptions. Also make sure that the writing style is very conversational and is similar to the ones on your website and other social media accounts. You want the writing on your Pinterest page along with the writing on the rest of your social media accounts to reflect your brand.
Read through your website and other social media profile bios and then write a great Pinterest bio and board descriptions. Get your main focus to be on driving engagement instead of SEO.

WWF UK has a very well written and engaging Pinterest bio. Their board descriptions are very engaging and conversational too.
4. Create relevant boards and pins:
A while back I wrote a post on How to Get a Million Pinterest Followers. In this post I mentioned that most people who have over a million followers do so, on one board itself. The rest of the boards only have a few thousand. I also mentioned that if your aim is to get many followers, you can do so by focusing on getting people to follow one or a few boards. I have seen many people abuse this technique and create boards on popular irrelevant topics just to attain many followers. This might help them gain followers, but they will be irrelevant ones and in the process can ruin their brand.
If you want to use this technique to gain more followers, then create a relevant board that will represent your brand and attract followers who will be interested to follow your other boards in the future.
Your plan needs to attract lots of followers to one board and then get them to follow the rest of your boards. These people need to not just interact with your pins, but should also be interested in buying from you if you are a business or visit your website regularly if you are a blog. So create relevant boards that display the brand you want to project and attract a relevant audience. And don’t forget to pin only relevant pins to your boards. This will help build your Pinterest brand too.
For example, if you would like to create a board on Homes, one of the most popular topics on Pinterest, only do so if it’s relevant to what you do. This could work well for those in industries like housekeeping, real estate, furniture, etc. If it’s not relevant to what you do, don’t create it. Instead, create boards on other popular and relevant topics like quotes, food and fashion that could work well for you.

Daniela of 007 Marketing only creates boards relevant to her brand. You will notice that almost all the boards are on different kinds of marketing. The boards have well branded names too, as all of them begin with ‘007’. This has worked out well for her as the page has attracted over 18,000 followers (at the time of writing) who regularly repin and like her pins.Like Daniela create relevant boards that brand your Pinterest page.
5. Use attractive board cover images:
Profile images aren’t the only ones that reflect your brand, board cover images do too. You need to choose images from your most relevant and outstanding pins and add them as your cover images to get your profile to look well altogether. Choose images that look good with your profile image.

Lindsay Goldner of Lindsay Goldner Creative has attractive custom images which have been set as board covers. These images display the name of the boards. You could also create custom cover images for your boards. You will need to create the image, upload it onto the board and then add it as the cover image.
Following all the above 5 tips should help you brand your Pintetest page.
For more Pinterest marketing tips, watch our Free Pinterest Marketing Video Tutorial which can be accessed by Signing Up to our blog updates.
Have I missed out any important points on branding your Pintetest page? How do you brand your Pinterest page? Please leave your comments below.