This is a guest post by Teddy Hunt.
Are you getting the most out of Snapchat? Are you creating a wonderful Snapchat experience your fans love?
Snapchat has quickly grown into a powerful mobile visual social media platform. Brands have quickly hopped onto it and are making the most as seen in this article by Sarah Ang. And you can too.
At first glance, Snapchat is a pretty simple program. You can take a picture and anonymously send it to any recipient you choose, and you can even choose how long the picture is displayed for. There’s more to Snapchat, though.
Here are six ways to maximize Snapchat experience for both your audience and you…
1. Increase the Font Size

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Have you ever wanted to send a picture to a friend but found that the font size of the text is just too small? Good news! There’s a way to make it a lot bigger. First, update your app — you won’t see this on an outdated version. Next, go to settings and click manage. In this section, you’ll see an option that says “enable special text.” After enabling it, when you go to take a picture, you’ll see a “T” in the top right of the screen. Tap that, then type whatever you want. It’s that easy.
2. See Snaps Again

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Has a picture ever disappeared too quickly? If you want to see a picture one more time, turn on “replay” in the settings section where you enabled special text. This option will allow you to see recent Snapchat messages one more time. You can only use this feature once per day, though, so be sure that you’re paying attention this time around. This update was stealthily added to Android and iOS versions of Snapchat, so when you download the latest version of Snapchat on your smartphone, you’ll be able to take advantage of it.
3. Draw on Your Images With Black and White

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While it’s no secret that you can draw on Snapchat images, did you know that you can do so with black and white ink? When you’re choosing your color, press your thumb down and drag it all the way to the left. You’ll notice that the ink has turned white. If you press down on the color bar and drag it to the bottom, you’ll notice that the ink has turned black. While it’s not an amazing trick, it’s a neat trick that allows you to draw on images with two colors that you wouldn’t normally get to select.
4. Use Filters

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Did you know that Snapchat has filters? It’s true! This trick is the easiest to use. After you take a picture, all you have to do is swipe to the left or right. There’s only a small handful of filters, including sepia and black and white. Some people don’t like filters, but for those of us that do, at least there are a few options.
5. Negative Images

For those of you using an older version of Snapchat, however, you’re able to take negative pictures. After taking a picture, bring up the text field. Type “Negative…” without the quotes. If your version of Snapchat supports it, your image will turn negative. After that, you can delete the text and type whatever you want. If it doesn’t work, then you’ve got the latest version of Snapchat. It’s a neat trick to use because your friends will be freaking out and trying to figure out how to take a negative image.
If you want to take it a step further, you can combine filters. After typing “Negative…” type “Sepia…” and you’ll get the negative image with a sepia filter. There are other combinations you can make, as well. Combined filters make for a freaky image!
6. Best Friend Tricks

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There are two tricks involving Best Friends. The first allows you to increase your best friends list to seven. To do this, just go into settings and change the number of best friends to seven. Easy enough, right? Most people bypass the settings on Snapchat, so most people don’t know about it.
The second trick is a bit sneakier. If you need to keep tabs on someone, listen up. If you click on the list icon on the bottom right corner of the screen and click someone’s name, you’re able to see a list of the three people they send snapchats to the most.
Now it’s your turn…
Do you know any other Snapchat tips or tricks? How do you use it to reach your audience? Leave a comment and let us know in the comments section below!
About Teddy Hunt
Teddy Hunt is a freelance writer, based out of Tampa, FL, with a focus on technology. When not adventuring through Florida, he spends the majority of his free time writing sports articles for his fantasy sports advice site Fantasy Help. You can find him on Twitter at @tedhunt9.