Are you using Quora for marketing your business? Would you like to learn some basic and advanced Quora marketing tips?
Using Quora for marketing may seem overwhelming if you’re not familiar with the platform, but this free resource can be a powerful advertising tool for you and your company. In this article I’ll explain how to use Quora for promoting your business and finding new customers.
Driving traffic to a website is one of the biggest challenges for a content marketer. Regardless of the industry or niche, there are surely dozens or hundreds of similar websites out there and most of them probably have a blog as well. So if you want to steal your competition’s traffic and turn them into your customers, you need to prove to them that you’re the expert and that your products or services will solve their problems in the most efficient manner.
Quora is not the place to advertise your products, but it’s a powerful resource for building authority and establishing yourself or your company as a leader in the industry. Although there’s no official statement regarding the number of Quora users, we do know that there are over 500,000 topics on the platform, attracting millions of views per month.
People use Quora to ask questions and to receive answers from experts or from other people who faced similar problems or used similar services. The platform is designed for sharing information and knowledge. Rich and relevant answers are rewarded with upvotes which prove the expertise of the people who post them.
But that’s not all! Answers posted on Quora seem to be highly appreciated by Google. The guys from Unbounce consider this platform a “secret marketing weapon” that should be used by anyone who’s looking to increase their online visibility. As you can see, this platform is just too important to ignore if you’re a content marketer or a business owner. Therefore you should consider using Quora for SEO and online marketing.
I’ll quickly list the basic things you need to do if you’ve just started using this platform. Then I’ll show you how to use Quora for marketing, with practical examples…
Basic steps for getting started with Quora
As a registered user, you can pick your expertise areas by editing the “Knows about” section in your profile:

Then, you can choose topics to follow by editing the “Feeds” section, and you can search for topics of interest by using the Search bar at the top.

In your “Profile” section, you can add a short bio and connect your social profiles. This is extremely useful if you’re trying to demonstrate industry expertise. As people who upvote your answers and find them helpful can go to your profile and learn more about you, your company and services.
Once you’re done with these basic steps, Quora will personalize your news feed with a combination of recent questions and popular answers from the followed topics. You will not be able to answer all these questions. But there are a couple of strategies you can apply for building a following, increasing your business’ visibility and driving traffic to your website. So let’s see how to use Quora for business purposes.
How to use Quora for finding and building your audience
Let’s say you’re a fitness trainer looking to attract more people on your website, where you promote a recently published book about HIIT workouts. You have at least three starting points for finding potential customers on Quora:
#1 Fitness enthusiasts interested in anything fitness-related – unlikely to buy from the first interaction with your website, but likely to stick around if they like what they see there.
#2 People who are interested in home workouts – HIIT workouts can be done at home with no equipment, so this group of people may be interested in what you have to offer.
#3 People who already know about HIIT and are looking for new resources on this topic – these are likely to turn into qualified leads and customers.
You know who you want to visit your website, but how do you find these people?
Start by typing “home workouts” (or HIIT workouts) in the search bar.

Since your ultimate purpose is to sell your book, you may be tempted to post rushed comments in which you shamelessly promote it. This is the wrong way to use Quora. The alternative is to write informative, rich answers that address real pain-points.
All these people are looking for solutions to a problem: they want to stay in shape, want to exercise but don’t want to go to gym; they prefer the comfort of their home for working out, but they want to make sure they’ll get results. So it’s time for you to prove your expertise and to turn into a trustful and reliable source of information for your potential customers.
Post genuine answers to these questions. Explain to them why HIIT workouts are an excellent solution, tell them about the principles behind HIIT, and let them know about the advantages and disadvantages of this form of exercise.
Do not say that HIIT workouts are the Holy Grail of fitness because you have a book to sell, but do mention the proven benefits of this method (time-efficient way to improve cardio, burn fat, build explosive power, regulate insulin sensitivity and so on).
Don’t be afraid to mention that you’re a fitness trainer, and do include your website’s URL in the reply. But do this in a manner that doesn’t look spammy, and only after writing a well-crafted, genuine answer backed by trustful references.
Here’s a sample answer:

In order to build an audience faster, you should search for questions that have fewer answers and more followers. If you find a question that addresses fundamental aspects of your industry, consider writing a blog post to reply. Then return to that Quora question and write a shorter answer, encouraging people to read the full article on your blog. Again, do your best to avoid spammy posts.
You can see a few examples of this being done right by reading the answers to this question.

Several users left helpful answers and linked to a blog post where more information can be found.
How to use Quora for marketing your business
Quora is an excellent marketing tool not only for self-promotion but also for advertising your company’s services or products. To use Quora for marketing, start by building a page for your business. This platform allows you to create pages about anything, so it’s an excellent way to boost your company’s visibility and it costs nothing.
Start by searching your business’ name. If you don’t find any topic about it, click the “Create Topic” link on the right side of the page, right under the “Add Question” box:

You will be asked to write a description for this topic, and you can add your company’s story and create a beautiful page, with links to your website. You can edit the story later, and you can add your company’s logo.

Another way to use Quora for marketing your business is to repurpose your old content (find new ways to use old blog posts). To do this in the most efficient manner, start by creating a list with your most read / shared blog posts. Ideally you should have at least 10-15 titles on the list, but you can still apply this strategy even if you don’t have that much content on your blog.
Once you have the list, take the first title – let’s say you have an article that talks about inbound and outbound marketing. Type the keyword or a variation of the keyword in the Search box. Here’s a practical example for “inbound marketing”:

Now search for 5 questions with a high number of upvotes and answer them, linking back to your blog post. It’s preferable to reply to fresh questions, even if you’re using old content. Repeat the procedure for the remaining 9 articles, and you have 50 topics that have the potential to drive traffic to your company’s website.
In a similar manner you can use Quora to find new topics for your articles. Just type in and search the targeted keywords and you’ll get a valuable list of topic ideas for your blog. This platform can keep you creative and help you find trending topics about your industry. So take the time to research the community and see what the most asked questions in your niche are about.

Then start writing on your blog, and write on Quora as well. Keep your answers varied even if you link back to the same article, and do your best to provide useful information and practical tips in all your answers.
I hope you’ll find this article useful and I’d love to hear about your experience with Quora! Do you use it for content marketing? Why or why not?
If you have other suggestions and tips on using Quora for marketing, please comment below, and don’t forget to share this article with your friends, if you think they might be interested in learning how to use Quora effectively for building their brand!
About Andreea Macoveiciuc
Andreea is a content strategist and writer, passionate about health, nutrition and fitness. She loves developing online strategies and exploring new content marketing solutions to help brands improve their online presence. You can follow her on Twitter or get in touch via LinkedIn.