Do you know how to create the perfect Pinterest business page?
Before someone follows you on Pinterest the first thing they will do is to briefly observe your Pinterest brand page. They will glance at your bio, your profile image, your boards and various other components. If your Pinterest brand page is well set up, you will gather board followers or even better, complete page followers and all the time you spent pinning, optimizing your website for Pinterest and running time consuming campaigns will be worthwhile.
So today you will learn how to create the perfect Pinterest business page, the requisite for Pinterest success. I will first run you through the registration steps and you can then view the infographic which contains the ingredients for a perfect Pinterest brand page. If you have already got a brand page and don’t require registering you can scroll down and skip right ahead to the infographic…
1. Visit the Pinterest for Business page and click the red ‘Join as a Business’ button.

2. Fill in your details in the next page. First choose a business type and then add your contact name, email address and password.

Next, add your business name. This name should be 21 characters long and easily recognized by your audience. If it’s your personal brand page add your name and if it is for your company’s brand page, add your company name.
Add a user name which is 3 to 15 characters long. This will also appear as your URL. For best results, just add the same name you used for your business name here. If the name is unavailable or is longer than 15 characters then use something similar to the business name. These steps will make it easy for people to locate your account.
Next, write your bio in the about box. This should be less than 160 characters long. Include information about what your business does and what you plan to pin on your Pinterest account to give your visitors a clear idea on why they should follow you.
You can then add your website or blog address in the website field.

Now read the Business Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. If you agree to them, check the box and click on the red ‘Create account’ button.

3. Your Pinterest brand page should be ready. Confirm your email address by clicking on the link sent to the email address you registered your Pinterest account with. Also browse through the quick tour to learn more about Pinterest.

End the Pinterest Brand Page tour by performing a search for something that interests you. Meddle with pictures by clicking on them. Once you’re done click on ‘Finish’.

The rest of the steps on how to create the perfect Pinterest brand page can be learned from the below infographic…
Click on the Infographic to View Larger Version
For more Pinterest marketing tips, watch our Free Pinterest Marketing Video Tutorial which can be accessed by Signing Up to our blog updates.
You might also want to check out the infographics The Cheat Sheet to Pinterest Limits, The Pinterest Cheat Sheet to Image Sizes and 33 Ways to Get More Repins and Pins on Pinterest.
Would you like to share some tips on how to create the perfect Pinterest brand page? What are the key steps people shouldn’t miss? Please leave your comments below.
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