Do you know your very own best time to post on Google+? Are you using it to get more +1s, shares, website traffic and sales?
At the beginning of this year, I published an infographic on the Best and Worst Times and Days to Post on Social Media.
In this I also included the best time to post on Google+ so that you can reserve it for your most important posts. The timing mentioned in the infographic is perfect for those with relatively new accounts and those who haven’t posted much. But once you have posted plenty and have sufficient data, you need to find your very own best time to post on Google+ as it will vary from person to person.
This step can be effortlessly executed using Timing+. A free tool created by Daniel Treadwell.

How to use Timing+ to find Your Best Time to Post on Google+?
Timing+ will analyse your post history and display the best days and times to post your Google+ updates. Now I am going to show you how to use it…
1. First visit the home page and sign up to Timing+ with Google+ by clicking on the blue ‘Sign in to Google+’ button.

2. Then choose the Google account/email address associated with your Google+ account.
3. After you choose your Google account the message ‘This app would like to: Know who you are on Google+’ will appear on the screen.

Click on the blue ‘Accept’ button to proceed.
4. Your results should be displayed almost immediately.

On the results page first choose your time zone. This can be found on the top right hand side. After you choose your time zone you can view the best day and time to post your updates. If you scroll down a little lower you can observe them in more detail. You can view your top posts. You can see your day and time ranking to find your next best days and times. Also take a close look at the two graphs that display your day and time rank.
Now that you know your best time to post on Google+ you can begin scheduling your posts accordingly. Also share and craft posts similar to the ones in the top posts section to drive up engagement.
Don’t stop here. As you continue using Google+ you will gain more followers, you will post new types of posts and at new times. This could cause a shift in your best times and your audience preferences. So perform an analysis using Timing+ every month to find the new best days and times to post your Google+ updates and use them to boost engagement.
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Did Timing+ help you find your very own best time to post on Google+? Will you schedule your posts at these times now? Please leave your comments below.
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