Would you like to kickstart your Facebook presence?
There are hundreds and hundreds of Facebook stats and studies strewn all over the web – some are just interesting, some are very useful and some don’t make sense at all. It is necessary for you to find the useful stats and implement them in improving your Facebook presence. I have gone through the trouble of finding the most important stats that can kickstart your Facebook presence. Check out all of them below…
1. Share more images:-
A study by Dan Zarrella of Hubspot shows that posts with Images get several more ‘Likes’ and ‘Shares’ than text, video and link posts.

The study also found that posts with Images perform well in receiving more comments too.

So do everything you can to include an image along with your Facebook posts. Whether it is a link to a blog post, a question, or a tip, try and find an appropriate image that can drive engagement.

In a recent post on Hubspot’s, Inbound Marketing Blog, Pamela Vaughan, showed that image posts occupy more space than regular posts making them conspicuous. This must play a key role in driving more engagement.

Budget Bytes takes advantage of this and shares a lot of quality images of their recipes on their Facebook page. Visit their page to see the high levels of engagement the images generate.
2. Share at the best time:-
According to this Infographic by Kissmetrics, the best time to share on Facebook is at noon.

There is also a spike in activity at around 7 PM. So time your posts, using a scheduling tool, to go out around these peak times. A better option would be to analyse your Facebook page and find the best posting times. You can easily do this by tracking your URLs using Bitly, using scheduling tools like Buffer and Hootsite (that measure results) or using a Facebook analytics tool which can give you a break down on what sort of posts perform well at what times.
3. Use call to actions:-
According to this study social call to actions work on Facebook…
Posts with the word ‘Like’ get more Likes.

Posts with the word ‘Comment’ get more comments.

And posts with the word ‘Share’ get more Shares too.

So make an aim before you post something on Facebook. If you want more people to ‘Like’ your post ask them to ‘Like’ it by mentioning the word. If you would like more comments, ask a question and then follow it up with a call to action that contains the word comment. And if you want more ‘Shares’, in your call to action, include the word share.
4. Write longer posts:-

According to this graph by Neil Patel, posts which have around 225 characters, receive the highest number of ‘Likes’. So when you share anything on Facebook write down sufficient text to help it receive more ‘Likes’, instead of being brief. If you share a blog post write more about what the post contains in the status update, for a post about a product include more information about the product, when you ask a question – write a longer one and incorporate your opinion, etc.

The Guardian takes great care in writing longer posts for the links (to articles) they share on their Facebook page. Their Facebook posts explain more about what the articles contain. Visit their page now to check out their well written posts.
5. Leave gaps of at least 3 hours between Facebook posts:-

According to a study by Edgerank Checker, the engagement lifetime of a Facebook post is three hours, i.e. it takes a Facebook post about three hours to receive maximum engagement, after that engagement slows down. So make sure you leave a gap of at least three hours before your next post, to ensure that the current post receives highest engagement.
6. Post 2 times a day only:-
Just because of the above study, it isn’t necessary for you to schedule posts to go out at intervals of three hours i.e. eight posts a day. This is something you must avoid as it could lead to over-sharing. A study by Social Bakers found that the optimum number of times to share each day is two.

When you post more than two times a day, engagement level on your Facebook page drops. So stick to just publishing two times a day and don’t go overboard unless it’s absolutely necessary.
Make use of all the above stats and kickstart your Facebook page’s presence. Also regularly analyse and measure your activity to check what works best for you.
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What is your favourite stat? Are there any other Facebook stats or tips you would like to share with us? What other methods can kickstart your Facebook presence? Please leave your comments below.