How does your blog perform on the weekend? Would you like to boost blog traffic on the weekend?
Most blogs will usually see a dip in traffic over the weekend. This is probably because there are fewer people online and at work. Here’s a discussion on Quora on blog traffic over the weekends with lots of graphs and examples. As you can see, this is a common problem. But it can be solved by attracting more visitors by taking some simple steps. Here’s how you can increase blog traffic on the weekend…
1. Publish posts on the weekend:-
The simplest way to increase your blog traffic is by publishing a blog post on the weekend. I recently tried this out and found that it does increase website traffic considerably. Even though only a few people are online, it will be worth the effort. As a result of the decrease in blog traffic many blog’s will avoid posting on the weekend, but if you post, this will give your post an opportunity to stand out. You can attract traffic from sources like social media, RSS, etc. which won’t be as busy and as cluttered with content as they usually are on weekdays.

An example of a blog that posts on the weekend is Social Media Examiner. Every Saturday, Cindy King, posts an article where she informs us about the latest developments in social media. This is a great way to attract traffic over the weekend. So write a simple article and publish it over the weekend. Like the above one it could be an update, the latest news, reviews of the week, etc. or anything else your audience prefers.
2. Share on the weekend:-
As fewer people are publishing posts and as fewer people are sharing, it would be a great opportunity to drive traffic to your blog posts by sharing them on social media. Of course there will be fewer people online, but you need to take advantage of the fewer tweets, facebook posts, pins, etc. on these days. There’s also a study which shows that sharing on the weekend is more effective than it seems.
According to the study, the best day to share on Facebook is Saturday.

And the best days to tweet are midweek and weekends as the click through rate is at it’s highest on those days.

3. Send out your newsletter over the weekend:-
Sending out your newsletter over the weekend can be a great way to increase traffic and reach more audience. As the same study shows that the open rates and the click rates are at their highest during the weekend.

This is because people most people will receive fewer emails over the weekend. Just check your inbox and compare the number of emails you receive on the weekends to the number of emails you receive on the weekdays. Again, this will have the same effect as publishing posts on the weekend or sharing on the weekend and your emails will gain more attention when there is less competition.

A great example is Maria Popova of Brain Pickings, who sends out her newsletter on Sundays. This gives her emails a great opportunity to receive more viewers. And as she usually posts several times every day, her newsletter contains a whole lot of wonderful content with many options which can help drive massive amounts of traffic.
To get the highest amounts of traffic from your newsletter, just post an excerpt of the post and follow it up with a link to the entire post. People will need to visit your blog in order to finish reading what they started.
4. See what works and what doesn’t:-
After you begin posting on the weekends, regularly analyse what works and what doesn’t. You can check what topics people prefer, what are your most popular traffic sources, what is the best time to post, etc. This will help you maximise your weekend blog traffic by focusing on what matters most. All this can be easily done using Google Analytics.
Follow all the above tips and watch your weekend traffic heighten.
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What do you do to increase blog traffic on the weekend? I would like to hear your thoughts and tips. Please leave your comments below.